If you are kind, then some people will accuse you of having ulterior motives--BE KIND ANYWAY!
If you are successful, then you will win some false friends and some true enemies--SUCCEED ANYWAY!
If you are honest and transparent, then some people may try to cheat you--BE HONEST AND TRANSPARENT ANYWAY!
Many people are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered--FORGIVE THEM ANYWAY!
When you spend years building something that someone else could destroy overnight--BUILD IT ANYWAY!
If you find joy and serenity, then others may be jealous--BE FILLED WITH JOY ANYWAY!
The good you do today, people may forget tomorrow--DO GOOD ANYWAY!
If you give others the best you have, then it may never be enough--GIVE YOUR BEST ANYWAY!
Because in the final analysis, these are things that are between you and God; they are not ultimately between you and them!
Devotedly your pastor,
Bill Blanchard