The moment when the virgin Mary conceived, He who was larger than the universe became an embryo inside a human womb. The omnipotent, in one instant, made Himself breakable. He who sustained the world with a word chose to become dependent upon the nourishment of a young woman. ...
As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, and Christmas soon thereafter, two of the most fun-filled times of the year, one of the negative realities that almost every one of us has to deal with is added stress. With that in mind, let me share 20 “Stress Busters” with you that...
Our recent election has many, many important down-ballot voting implication, but I want to focus in this pastor’s column only upon my convictions regarding our presidential election, and I wonder if some of you can relate to the following.
When Lara and I finally decided it was time to...
I would like to call upon our congregation to join in a season of prayer for our nation between now and our next election on November 5th. In our Republic, we have a biblical mandate and a constitutional obligation to vote in order to express our consent or disagreement with our elected...
Whenever a life is dedicated to a godly cause, I mean really, fully, persistently, unreservedly dedicated, that cause will be carried forward. But when you see a person begin to compromise spiritually, withholding himself/herself from the cause of Christ, touch the purposes of Christ as...
When we enter into a relationship with God by choosing to relate to Him through Jesus Christ, an ever-increasing acreage of our inner world is developed in love and devotion by His Spirit. Like a cavern that is excavated, opened, and filled with light, our soul and spirit are meant to be...
Earlier this year, I was preaching through the early chapters of the book of Genesis, and I preached a message entitled “The Equality of the Sexes,” from Genesis 2:18-25. Near the end of that message, I pointed out various Hebrew words that are used in the creation account, and...
Do you have good friends and relatives who have honest questions about the Bible that, perhaps, you cannot fully answer? If so, would you consider sharing this pastor’s column with them?
First, what is a good description of the Bible? The Bible is a collection of 66 books...
All of the research shows that fathers have a unique role in the lives of their daughters, and specifically in the future relationships those daughters have with other men!
It has now been established that if a father is detached or uninvolved with his daughter, it is far more likely that she...
Psychiatrists tell us that all babies are born with only two innate fears: (1) the fear of falling, and (2) the fear of loud noises. But then, they say, we can develop hundreds of other “classified fears,” which means that they are all learned fears.
Most of us are shaped by...